Delusions of Color

Garima Prabhakar
1 min readAug 31, 2020


Image courtesy here.

Twitter: @garimap

The sky is a spilled bucket of colorful paint,
saturating the canvas of our imagination.
The clouds are cotton candy,
and I am a soaring eagle,
leaving the world of failed tests and disappointment behind.

We spend our days doodling on lined paper,
staring into our daydreams because we know
our thoughts are inexpressible in textbooks.
The smokeless fire in our hearts burns in color
We’ve never seen before, and our thoughts take us
To places we’ve wished we could be.

Yes, my page is not the derivation of the quadratic formula,
the margins speak of a story of bending parabolas and undulating waves
of clean water for everyone.

I dream of sleeping with the front door unlocked
Of eating breakfast knowing everyone has some.

My delusions are of saturated sunsets and
Starlit nights
Of looking outside and seeing green instead of grey,
Growing to acknowledge that people aren’t black or white
But a blend of the rainbow.

We dream not in delirium but
because we want it to happen,
because we hope we can make it true

Take the next bus to cloud nine and gaze at the stars above our minds,
we know
the view is more beautiful with our heads
stuck in the clouds.



Garima Prabhakar

Hi! I’m a high schooler who loves to write. And laugh at inappropriate times. (Twitter: @gari_map)