hate is an oasis

Garima Prabhakar
1 min readSep 3, 2020


Photo by DANIEL AKASHI from Pexels

A boy laughs at her hair one day
And pushes her nose into the ground the next
We held hands and laughed at our differences yesterday
And today we armed ourselves
with the ammunition of harsh words
And an artillery of division

Hate is an oasis in the desert of hostility
A reminder that we alone deserve the water,
And that we would do different than
those people who leave us to thirst,
those people who are different than us
It is a reminder that the people we fear
Lurk in the murky waters of the pond

But little do we know that hate
Is nothing but an oasis
A reminder that the only thing we fear

is our reflection.



Garima Prabhakar

Hi! I’m a high schooler who loves to write. And laugh at inappropriate times. (Twitter: @gari_map)